More than a decade of structured education gives us a blueprint to build a pretty good life. You’ve probably learned so many valuable things along the way to get where you’re at today.

But are you still learning?

When you’re done with school and learning is no longer required, don’t let your curious spark die out. You already have an excellent foundation to build upon, so keep going. 

Our programs are designed to give you skills and key insights to skills that will be required 



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Innovation PLanning Program

The Innovation PLanning Program is an in-depth focus on how a small to medium business can set their business up for the future through innovation and how they can develop new ideas and more importantly... Bring those ideas to life!

The aim of this program is to ground you in the basics of innovation from generating ideas through to planning your activities & innovation funding.

In this course, you’ll gain & develop insights for creating products and services that your customers want and need. You’ll gain practical knowledge and tools to help you set your business up to navigate the fast-paced world of innovative change.


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Eating Elephants

Free Program

Elephant & Co has established Eating Elephants, a book club dedicated to entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals. Each week we will you a book review, that takes you through the main messages and how to take these lessons learnt back into your work and personal life.

We have gone through a careful process of ensuring that we have the best of the best books for you to read. It will include the fundamental classics that every budding business leader, professional or entrepreneur should read. As well as including books that will challenge your thinking, improve your leadership and grow your innovation and sales potential.

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e4 masterclass

Elephant & Co has established Eating Elephants, a book club dedicated to entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals. Each week we will you a book review, that takes you through the main messages and how to take these lessons learnt back into your work and personal life.

We have gone through a careful process of ensuring that we have the best of the best books for you to read. It will include the fundamental classics that every budding business leader, professional or entrepreneur should read. As well as including books that will challenge your thinking, improve your leadership and grow your innovation and sales potential.


Networking & Online Branding


From discovering your personal brand through to leveraging your brand for future opportunities, this program will teach you how to put your best foot forward in the marketplace and teach you how you can network your way to the next opportunity or business relationship. 


E&C Evolution 


We look forward to sharing, educating and inspiring business leaders to change their way of thinking. Our Evolution course is an introduction to the Elephant & Co way of thinking.Over the next 3 weeks, we will send you our 2-3 minute Evolution blasts. What we ask of you, is that you commit, engage, and challenge yourself to see if you can go the distance.

Complete every challenge, task, read every piece, listen to every audio and allow us to take you and your thinking on a journey of discovery of new ideas.

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tradies mba program

The Tradies MBA is a 4-month program that will help and tradie address the changes that are occurring in the industry. The program will realign your thinking, enable you to lead wiser and give you the tools and abilities ton innovate your mind as well as your trade. This will allow any tradie to continue to grow their business.

So many tradies are extremely successful at what they do, and would be even more successful given the right business coaching and education behind them.

Secure your future today by enrolling in the Tradies MBA!


Have a question or want some more information? 


52 day apprenticeship

The 52 Day Business Apprenticeship is a revolutionary program that will coach and develop you to ensure that you are able to make better decisions, today, tomorrow and into the future. The course is based off our E4 theory, which consist of ‘Thinking, Leadership, Innovation and Growth’. These are the 4 Elephants that so many businesses and leaders forget about, do not address, or are usually put in the too hard basket. This course will re-align the way you think, help you to lead wiser and will create a culture of innovation.

All of which will ultimately position your business for improved sales and growth.



Online & On Campus

In an era where everyone wants their voice heard, some voices are being lost in all the noise.  

Our Business 'Fight Club' is a 10 month program that helps men realise their value both personally and professionally.  Schools don't teach or help us to be husbands, fathers, businessmen, entrepreneurs and to try balance it all and win.  

This intensive, personalised program starts with a bootcamp away from all the creature comforts, then moves into a boardroom type support group and continues throughout the year with a first class team of professionals around you to help you create the life of your dreams, and for those you love the most.

Fight Club is highly popular and participants are accepted on application only.  Call us for a chat


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