The Innovation Planning Program is an in-depth focus on how a small to medium business can set their business up for the future through innovation.
The aim of this program is to ground you in the basics of innovation from generating ideas through to planning your activities & innovation funding.
In this course, you’ll gain & develop insights for creating products and services that your customers want and need. You’ll gain practical knowledge and tools to help you set your business up to navigate the fast-paced world of innovative change.
Over the past nine years, the Elephant & Co team have been educating & coaching business leaders on how they can become Innovation leaders in their business every day.
As part of the Innovation Planning Service product, you will get an insight into our innovation education. We have developed the 'Innovating Planning Roadmap'.
The Innovation Roadmap will guide you through all the key focus areas that you will need to successfully drive innovation within your business. Throughout the Innovation Education process, you will receive 20+ business tools and templates for you to use in your business every day.
Along the way you will receive Innovation Coaching from the E&C team, starting with an initial ‘Innovation Strategy Session’. As well as quarterly catch ups, to help guide and coach you through the process.
learning outcomes
The program uses two strategies, one for your ongoing innovation development and another to implement the new ideas in your business. The Innovation & Business strategy component will help you map out your plan of attack.
Using the brain power of your whole business, identify real innovative opportunities in your business what will take your product to another level, or create a whole new stream income for your business.
There is nothing more important in business than making things happen. The program and our coaches will guide you thought the implementation & execution, helping flesh out ideas & concepts, through to providing you with ways your can fund the innovation projects undertaken in your business

Program Outline
This Roadmap will guide you through five key areas that will help you take your innovative idea from concept to completion.
01 Innovation Kickstarter
We kick off the program embedding you in the foundations of Innovation. From what Innovation really is for s small to medium business owner, through to setting the platform for Innovation with in your business or organisation.
Innovation 101 - Real innovation for SME's
The Innovators Mindset
Planning Your Innovation
The Culture of Innovation
Your Innovation Strategy
04 Strategy
Failure to plan is planning to fail. The Strategy component will help you map out the 'how you make it happen'. The strategy module will help you plan to take from idea from concept to completion.
The Strategy Introduction
Company Goals
Value Proposition
Operations Strategy
Go to Market Strategy
Finance Strategy
Marketing Strategy
02 The Idea
In this section we want to explore you and your idea. Starting with you the business leader. What you good at and what your not so good at. It’s important to understand this, because it will help you build your team more efficiently. Then we move to the idea, where you will document your idea in its most basic form.
The Idea Introduction
You the Business Owner, Leader, Entrepreneur
Your Idea
05 Key Activities& Players
Now you have your idea, done the background research and done all your strategy planning, its time to put a plan of action in place. Setting your how and who will carry out the required work to bring your idea to life. You will map out your key activities and figure out who your key team/players are.
Key Activities
Key Players
03 Assessment
This is one of the most important sections in the whole program. Assessment & Research. By having a clear understanding of the full business landscape you will be entering, it will enable you to turbo charge your strategy & operations, to hit the gap in your market for maximum impact.
The Assessment Introduction
The Offer
The Market
SWOT Analysis
Needed Resources
06 Operations
The operations is the action of all your planning. It’s the practical element to your project. From who your customers are and how you will interact with them, through to planning your your growth, and scaling your idea to the next level.
The Operations Introduction
Customer Segments
Customer Relationships
Assessment 2.0
Planning your growth
enrolment options
Study Online
Self-paced online learning 24/7
Practical tools, tasks & projects
4 coaching phone/skype calls with a Business Innovation Specialist
Certificate of completion
Access to ongoing Exclusive E&C education
With a Team Of Coaches
- Bespoke & Adapted program for your organisation/team
- Access to onlne platform 24/7
- On-site training to suit your needs*
- Blend workshops, online & expert coaching
- Support from a dedicated Business Innovation Specialist
- Guided set up of your Internal 'Innovation Team"
- Innovation culture workshop
- Access to ongoing exclusive E&C education
- Certificate of completion