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Elephant & Co’s business school offers a unique and innovative approach to education.

Over the past 100 years, we have not seen many changes in the educational system across the globe. Classrooms still look the same, with standard seating arrangements and old fashioned desks still in place. Whiteboards, chalkboards and teachers standing up the front lecturing to students - is still the norm. Students are ranked in categories of who is good and bad, and they're still judged on a pass or fail. 

Our main concern though, exists in the fundamentals that are being taught to our children today. We think many of the learnings becoming totally irrelevant by the time they exit to the big wide world to apply their knowledge.  We currently have university courses right now where the main disciplines being taught are highly likely going to be for extinct professions in the next couple of years. 

At E&C, we believe in educating, coaching and training in a new way.  A relevant way.  In a way that prepares individuals, businesses, and leaders to learn for the future.  To create businesses that will thrive in the 4th Industrial revolution we are in.  With the emergence of artificial intelligence, robotics and the Internet of Things (IOT), learning and 'businesses of the future' will be changed forever. This is where our schooling comes in. 

Elephant & Co exist because we believe that if our small to medium business sector is strong and healthy, it encourages stable families, greater community engagement and helps promote a prosperous economy. We are equipping business leaders, how to think better, lead wiser, innovate more, which will allow them to grow themselves and their business.


Our Programs



More than a decade of structured education gives us a blueprint to build a pretty good life. You’ve probably learned so many valuable things along the way to get where you’re at today.

But are you still learning?

When you’re done with school and learning is no longer required, don’t let your curious spark die out. You already have an excellent foundation to build upon, so keep going. 

Our programs are designed to give you skills and key insights to skills that will be required for any individual to not only survive but to thrive in the modern day business world. 

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Most leaders can agree that employee development is a critical part of creating a lasting business. However, many leaders assume that they can put the onus on the individual to provide their own path to personal and professional development. After all, your job is to grow the company; self-enrichment is up to them, right? The fact is, if you’re not investing in your people, you’re not investing in the future of your business.

Investing in your team is an important part of creating an engaged workforce and an effective way of reducing turnover for your business. 

Our programs for teams & organisations are designed to help you get the most of of the paid thinkers in your business. From culture training, through to innovation strategy & strategic thinking.




Our E4 Theory 


After decades of business building, coaching and consulting, the team here at Elephant & Co are still staggered to see the same old mistakes being made daily in business. These mistakes will ultimately affect the success and life expectancy of the business.

The 4 most common ‘killers’ of businesses are what we would term the ‘4 Elephants in Business’. These are key behaviours that are not addressed, they are forgotten, or put in the ‘too hard basket’ and left to suffocate the business and/or hinder growth at best.

What are these 4 Elephants in business?  They are ‘Thinking’‘Leadership’ ‘Innovation’ ‘Growth/Sales’

These common killers are the elephant in the room within so many businesses we advise and support every day. So much so that we coach and advise businesses from this premise and a philosophy we have coined the E4 theory. We believe that our E4 theories are the key pillars to maintain, plan for, measure, and always speak about within all businesses.


Our teachings will re-align the way you Think. We will help you to Lead wiser and this will enable you and your business to create a culture of Innovation. All of which will ultimately position your business for improved Sales and Growth.

Our extensive research and years of practical business coaching tells us that if you neglect to work these areas, you will battle to succeed.



How can we think smarter? Our lives and choices that we make are based off our judgements on a situation. Your judgements are built upon years of different experiences within home, work and friends. Whether you realise it or not, every experience adds another layer to how you judge a situation. Think of it this way – from the moment you were born, you are exposed to different situations. All of which will influence the choices that you make within your life.

Elephant & Co will teach you how to become aware of these influences, take advantage of the good, and escape the bad influences that can sometimes be bad mind viruses that hinder our success as a leader and ultimately our businesses.

What if there was a thinking software you could download that allowed you to make judgements that will provide an outcome 10x (ten times) better than you ever thought possible?

Following our extensive international research, Elephant & Co has developed “10x thinking software for the brain” that you can easily learn, apply and coach. 10x is a mindset used by some of the world’s most successful company executives from GE’s Jack Welch through to Google’s Larry Page and potentially YOU tomorrow! Why 10x thinking for you? Like thousands of others, 10x thinking might just make your bank balance 10x!


A saying we often teach business we partner is ‘as the business owners thinking goes, so goes the business’.



Leadership success can be defined in many ways. One is, one’s ability to bring people along a new path and have positive influence. So how do you do this? How do we influence those around us to be the most successful team we can be?

High performance leadership in business relies on one’s ability to think wisely, make decisions that could make or break you (on the spot), all whilst empowering the personalities in your team, setting the ‘ships’ course and juggling the team to deliver a ‘best in space’ product or service.

At Elephant & Co, we have developed a number of coaching techniques that can become the corporate glue of any company. Our coaching provides business owners and leaders with the tools to successfully convey messaging, coach the organisation to coach itself, develop employees before their first day, throughout their career journey, and build high performing teams.


Without the right thinking, the ultimate leadership can’t occur. Without great leadership, great thinking can’t take place.




What does innovation mean? What innovations are occurring within your industry or area of passion now? How will this innovation effect your business in the short, medium and long term? The speed at which change is happening will absolutely transcend to every industry, and have impact on every job.

So whether we either choose to embrace innovation, or we bury our heads in the sand. At Elephant & Co, we believe in the ‘catch cry’: Innovate or DIE.

Elephant & Co research the very best innovation techniques globally and develop programs specially tailored for Small to Medium Businesses. These programs provide business owners and leaders with the tools to coach their businesses from idea development through to building an innovative business.

Think you can survive in your current business without a new idea, new way, new approach, new product or service? We would encourage you to think again!


If we are only doing what we’ve always done, then we are bound to fail. If we aren’t growing, we are going backwards. With innovation occurring all around us, growth is now becoming more important than ever.

Our ongoing international research on sales and growth methodologies, ensures that our tools for small to medium business will have your competition left standing still.

Elephant & Co will help businesses and leaders grow to remain competitive. Without the ability to change your thinkinglead your team, effectively innovate, you will never be able to grow your people, your bottom line and ultimately your business objectives.

However, if you are prepared for change, ready to learn, think differently, lead wiser and innovate more – then lets chat, your growth will occur.

Growth is the 4th elephant that we teach here at Elephant & Co, and is the output of mastering the previous 3 elephants
