Future-proof innovation & creativity training for small to medium businesses.


Our 1-2 Day Innovation workshops are ideal for any business that is looking to generate new disruptive ideas for products and services within a small to medium business.

The workshop is also optimal for any team that wants to challenge the existing mindset that prevails in their corporation.

  • Business developers

  • Product managers

  • Innovation managers

  • Intrapreneurs

  • Marketing

  • Trainees

Innovation is happening at an accelerating speed. Products are replaced by services and competition arises from the tiniest corners. The capability to understand where innovations come from gives large organisations the power to respond to these transformations in a non-obvious way.

By applying creative techniques to real business challenges and learning new hands-on tools, people can broaden their mindset and learn how to break outside of the box when pursuing their day-to-day activities. 



What to expect from our innovation & creativity sessions.



These Innovation Session pushes participants out of their comfort zones to explore the uncharted territories of their business that are going to be a common ground of the business of tomorrow. Teams will have to get rid of assumptions and adopt a new thinking mindset. In these sessions participants will have to challenge their thinking process and will discover new inspiration to generate new ideas. 



Participants will walk away with mindsets that will boost creative performance. They will deeply understand their user’s world and acquire a variety of innovation tools to generate new solutions and business ideas. The goal of the training is to think about the way you think, through a continuous, interactive and reflective Q&A session and to focus on users and their problems.




A flexible interactive program in innovation

The innovation & creativity training goes through 4 modules that cover the broader spectrum of innovation methodologies and mindsets. 

A module can vary between 1 to 3 days. 


Select 2 or 3 of the following modules to create a personalised program that suits your team the best. 

Module 01: understanding

An action-focused innovation event that won’t just let you sit and listen! In this 1-day training E&C talks about innovation and inspires with trends relevant to your business. By adopting new brainstorm tools and techniques, the team generates more than 50+ ideas in a limited time span. Finally, we teach you how to select an idea and develop it into a concrete concept. We end the day with energising pitches to the group.


  • Basics of innovation: why, how and what of innovation

  • Out-of-the-box thinking

  • Ideation tools to apply on-the-job

Module 02: application

In this session, you’ll learn by doing! The session starts with a better understanding of innovation and a shot of inspiration with relevant case studies. The several brainstorm techniques allow you to create 50+ ideas. Next, you will select the ideas that maximise business potential and elaborate on them by creating a basic business case. The delivery of your story can make or break momentum, so we teach you the basics of storytelling. We end the day with strong investment pitches.


  • Creative confidence

  • Ideation tools to apply on-the-job

  • From a concrete concept to a basic business case

  • Investment pitches

Module 03: pitch workshop

In this module, you will learn how to pitch like a pro! We start by covering the 5 building blocks of a pitch and set this into practice. We teach you some secret hacks on how to convince your manager and nail an investment pitch. The final part of storytelling gives participants all the ingredients to present a killer pitch for any type of audience. Additionally, participants will learn from giving and receiving feedback.


  • Ability to do an investment pitch

  • Storytelling capability

  • Pitch evaluation skills

Module 04: coach-the-coach

We will guide you through training to build an innovation & creativity capability within your organisation. Upfront knowledge of innovation & creativity is not required. In our coach-the-coach module, your future internal coaches learn-by-doing! Every exercise is conducted by another participant followed by feedback from the facilitator and the group. Next to mastering the innovation & creativity skills, the focus is on facilitation skills & how to answer key questions.


  • Experienced innovation coaches who can individually run an innovation & creativity training within your organisation 



Do you want more info about this program? Please fill in this form below to have a quick chat with one of our experts.