The E&C Accelerated MBA

After studying and lecturing around the world in some of the best business schools, we have trimmed the fat off traditional MBA’s and gathered what we believe are the absolute 'must have's', to bring to you a 2 day experience that will position you to 10x your business through our 'Accelerated MBA'.

It’s a practical, eye-opening, collaborative experience, that’s jam-packed full of the very things you need to grow your business.

Our focus is to help you blue-print a practical business map and resource you with the best intel on business building globally. With other business owners and leaders, this is the best value for time and money MBA on the planet.


Your 2 day mba includes: 

  • 2 days of Jam Packed never heard before business intelligence and practical application (Value $10k+)

  • MBA course notes/ booklet (Value $595)

  • Templates & Business Tools (Value $395)

  • Recorded sessions – both days (Value $995)

  • Morning Tea, Afternoon Tea & Lunch each day

  • Gifts to take home and so much more…..

TOTAL VALUE: $11,980+

Early in 2018 a small group of Australian Business Owners will gathered to master their businesses and participate in the E&C Accelerated MBA program that will be completed in just 2 Days. It will train and support you in your current business or the purchase of your first (or next) start-up!


Cost & Registration 

Cost: $1,997 per person

Teams of 5 or More: $1500 Per person 

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