Our Mission.
How do we do this?
We help transform peoples thinking, their leadership, their creativity and curiosity, to help them grow everyday. We do this by empowering individuals through our cutting edge programs, creative resources, as well as our useful tools and news. We make this available anytime, anywhere because learning needs to be convenient, agile and ready to absorb at any given moment.
That sounds modern, disruptive and unlike any ‘school’ out there. That’s because we believe that traditional learning environments have got it wrong. A classroom has no walls, students are never late, and classes are always in session, 24/7 – 365 at Elephant & Co.
-Jim Rohn
Academy Programs
Open for Enrolment
Reboot 2.0 Program
Reboot Program
The Reboot 2.0 Program is focussed on helping us all to self-discover what our next best move is. It prepares us to think a certain way, and to respond with wisdom. This program will increase your skills and mindset so you can thrive and conquer any challenge that life may throw you. Whether you need to reboot, pivot, reset, re-ignite or simple draw a line in the sand…come join us as we reboot together.
Best me Program
Best Me Program
It doesn’t matter what your current situation is, or where you find yourself in life, we can help you overcome your hurdles in order to discover the best version of YOU.
Our flagship women’s program will take you on a journey of self-discovery to help you identify the things you want to fight for in your life.
Empowering you with the tools to go after it & thrive.
Culture Carriers
Culture Carriers
(For Teams)
Culture Carriers is a bespoke culture program that will embed an aligned culture within a team or business. Each of the individuals participating ‘carry’ the desired culture - ultimately impacting the overall team outcome and flourish together.
Join Us
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
There is no time like the present to take yours.
Enter your email address and you will have taken our first step in your thousand mile journey.
You'll also be added to our email communications - Human Think Tank, of which you can opt out any time.

Team Learning
For teams.
Most leaders can agree that team development is a critical part of creating lasting success. However, many leaders assume that they can put the onus on the individual to provide their own path to personal and professional development. After all, your job is to grow the company; self-enrichment is up to them, right?
The fact is, if you’re not investing in your people, you’re not investing in the future of your business.
Investing in your team is an important part of creating an engaged workforce and an effective way of reducing turnover for your business.
Our programs for teams & organisations are designed to help you get the most of of the paid thinkers in your business. From culture training, through to innovation strategy & strategic thinking.